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In Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade, students are introduced to vocabulary about classrooms, numbers, colors, days of the week, months, family members, and body parts. Students are also made aware of some of the linguistic differences between Spanish and English. In these grades, the focus is on auditory skills and repetition – correct pronunciation is modeled and students follow by repeating.

In 3rd Grade, students continue to build vocabulary (the number of words continues to increase with each grade level) and refine pronunciation. Phrase repetition and short sentences are built into the curriculum in 3rd Grade. Dia de los Muertos, Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe, Posadas, La Navidad, and Historia de Latino America are also discussed.

In 4th and 5th Grade, vocabulary and pronunciation continue to be a focus, and writing and reading sentences is developed.

In 6th Grade, students are reviewing and mastering basic vocabulary and basic conversation skills. They start writing questions and learn how to respond verbally and in writing. They are introduced to pronouns, gender of nouns, adjectives, plural nouns, ser vs. estar, tener, and quien. Short story reading and translation is built into the curriculum in 6th Grade. Students research and work on a small project about Latin American countries.

In 7th Grade, writing is a focus. Students learn -ar, -er, and -ir verbs in the present tense along with prepositions, donde esta?, que haces?, and continue work on ser vs. estar.

In 8th Grade, students are well into their writing and reading skills, while continuing to work on pronunciation and conversational skills – learning things like how to answer the phone, asking for directions, giving directions, and asking for help in Spanish. Verb conjugation work continues, and includes the stem-changing -ue. The goal of the program is that students can begin high school in Spanish 2.